
Margarita Nedzelska
Software Engineer @ SonarSource
Margarita is a big Kotlin fan, Kotlin GDE
Knows both conference sides: speaking and organizing. Organized a KUG in her native city Kyiv because she believes in Knowledge Sharing and Collective Intelligence.

Ihor Banadiga
Java Engineer @ Lohika
JavaDay Lviv and CoffeeJug organizer, member of Devoxx Ukraine, Morning@Lohika and Kotlin Night Kyiv program committee, JUG UA active member, leader of Lviv Java Club and Lviv NodeJs Club

Andriy Rymar
CEO @ Jappware
Software engineer with a business-oriented mindset, JUG UA active member, JavaDay Lviv, and CoffeeJUG meetup organizer, public speaker, and people mentor.

Pasha Finkelshtein
Developer advocate for big data @ JetBrains
Rising awareness about instruments of data engineering, love Kotlin and writing in it, and adore talking

Ira Tkach
Event Manager @ 3bittalk
JavaDay Lviv and CoffeeJug co-organizer. Non-IT part of the team. Freelance Dj at Jappware.