Seyed Jafari
Senior Software engineer at Auto1
Senior Software engineer in Auto1. I have been Kotlining for a few years now. I have an open-source KMP project that is live on Android and soon on IOS. I’m an active member of the Local Android community in Tehran. My free time mostly goes to hanging out with my family, reading, and playing video games.
Operation Flow
Flow is the new hot tech in reactive apps. Running Reactive code has never been easier. you can react on KMP common code too. I go through different flow operators, flow types, their usage, compare their subtle differences, and how to build reactive architectures including how to test them.
Coroutine Flows are the new hot tech in reactive apps. They are very powerful and easy to use at the same time. the best part is they support KMP so we can share our flows with all the platforms. In this talk, I go through different flow operators and flow types (ex: SharedFlow, StateFlow, and ...). I explain their usage and compare their subtle differences. I also cover how we can leverage Coroutines Flow and its operators to build reactive architectures.
No talk should be ended without talking about testing. In this talk, I'll explain how we can write readable and concise tests with Kotlin Flows that run on all platforms.