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Marcin Moskała

Founder of Kt. Academy

Marcin Moskala is an experienced Android developer, teacher, and an official JetBrains' Kotlin training partner. He is the founder of Kt. Academy, author of the book "Android Development with Kotlin", and an active programming community member. He is also the main author on the biggest medium publication about Kotlin and a speaker invited to many programming conferences.

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Safe Kotlin

Having fewer crashes makes the lives of both users and developers better, and it provides significant business value. In this presentation, we’ll cover the best practices to make Kotlin applications safer.

You don’t need to have any experience with development to get upset when the application you use crashes, or when there is an error on a website that does not let you check out after you spent an hour collecting products into a basket. Having fewer crashes makes the lives of both users and developers better, and it provides significant business value. In this presentation, we’ll cover the best practices to make Kotlin applications safer. We’ll learn how to deal with mutability, platform types, why inheritance can be dangerous when explicit types are important, and much more.

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